##### Simple Excercise: what does the following print? (run to find out) a = 0; while a<4: b = 0 while b<5: print a, b b = b+1 # end while b print "---" a = a+1 # end while a ##### Count ways to make change for 1 dollar: ways = 0 q = 0 # quarters while q*25 <= 100: d = 0 # dimes while d*10 + q*25 <= 100: n = 0 # nickels while (n*5 + d*10 + q*25 <= 100): p = 100 - (n*5) - (d*10) - q*25 print q," quarters, ",d," dimes, ",n," nickels and ",p," pennies" ways = ways+1 n = n+1 # nickels loop d = d+1 # dimes loop q = q+1 # quarters loop print "there are ",ways," ways to make change for a dollar" ####### print calendar with dates: (not a nested loop) nd = 1 # months always start at day 1 end = 31 # months end at day 28-31 dayw = 2 # say this month starts on a Wednesday: (monday is day 0) print "\nMon\tTue\tWed\tThr\tFri\tSat\tSun" # print initial skips i = 0; while i6: print "" # new line dayw = 0 # reset day of week to monday # end loop print "\n", dayw # start date of next month #**************** Function to return day of week given date and day of #week the month started at. # 0 is monday, 6 is sunday def day(start,n): Days = ["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"] # find index of start string in array Days i = 0 while i31): raise Exception("very funny") return Days[ (i+n-1) % 7 ] # day print day("Wednesday",17), day("Wednesday",27), day("Wednesday",31)