CSC 253 Programming assignment appendix. In ADDITION to previously assigned problems: For People doing Ada95: Write a program that illustrates the different parameter passing methods ( in, out, in out). Do experiment to test if Ada95 is statically or dynamically scoped. Group A: Write a program that illustrates parameteriszed types (like (templates in C++). This program should also use individual packages. Group B: Write a program that uses concurrent tasks and task synchronization using BOTH the entry-accept protocol and protected type objects for controlling the synchronization between the tasks. For people doing Scheme/Lisp: Do experiment to test if your language is statically or dynamically scoped. Find a lambda term that is implementable in scheme but not in ML. For People doing Prolog: Write a program that computes the transitive closure of a finite graph represented using lists such as [(1,2),(2,1)]. FOR BOTH SCHEME AND PROLOG PEOPLE: 2 is the first prime number. For any n>2, n is prime if and only if n is not divisible by any prime less than n. Use this technique to write code that a: generate the infinite squence of prime numbers. b: test if a given number is prime. c: Part b should run in linear time, or O(n) time. That is, it must be able to look up the previous primes right away.